I’ve heard the phrase “I just want things to go back to normal” many times the past few days. The things my children often complain about were now their heart’s desire. The normalcy of early wake-up times, athletic practice, car lines, and school lunches were all gone. A full plate of activities that was now suddenly empty.
Ephesians 3:17-18, “So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
The word roots means different things to many folks. Whether it is physical tree roots, graying hair roots (much like mine lately J), or spiritual roots, the best roots are strong and healthy with the ability to sustain the most powerful storm.
- R- Redeem The Time
As a busy mom of a 14, 10, and 5 year old our house is often chaotic. Yesterday, one was playing basketball on the small hoop over his door, one was playing the guitar as she sang, and the other was teaching her class of twenty baby dolls. Many of her students were being placed on the stinky square due to their misbehaving J. I thought Lord, how will I manage this for multiple days? He impressed upon my heart, “Julie you will not have this day again. You it wisely.” Have the conversation with your teenager you have been meaning to have. Play a game of basketball with your son that you never have the time to do. Join your five year old’s imaginary class and just relax. Hope she doesn’t send me to the stinky square! Strengthen those roots. Time is the best way to do it and you have a lot more of it now.
- O- Order Your Steps
Papa Carter’s steps were always faithful. He read his Bible every day, loved his family, and never did he speak a harsh word about anyone. His steps were greatly affected by how he grew up. He would always walk behind me turning off the lights as I exited a room, ate every bit of food on his plate, and would never even think about missing a church service for any other reason than sickness. He would often talk about how the Great Depression/Recession affected him. His steps greatly impacted those who came behind him. Spend some time thinking about where you are leading those who are following closely behind.
- O- Opt out of social media (even if just a little J)
This one is hard for me. I love connecting with others. However, God impressed on my heart that strong roots are not formed during screen time. They are formed during conversations, laughter, even in those ugly moments of disagreements and frustration over e-learning, they are running deeper. His word to me was to not spend endless amounts of time watching what others are doing, while neglecting to connect with the ones under your roof.
- T- Train the littles
- S- Simple and Strong